Tuesday, March 24, 2009

baseball lesson

This morning while Fox and I were outside pulling weeds in the warm spring sunshine, Lee invited us over for strawberries. Fox took off running towards Lee's house and I thought about his inability to resist strawberries, chocolate or any other treat, and decided that it was time to have the "strangers with candy" talk with him.

We sat down at Lee's table as he moved about his small kitchen adding dashes and splashes from various bottles into a mixing bowl. He placed the bowl of shiny berries directly under my nose and listed the ingredients as he squeezed pancake syrup; "bout a quarter cup uh that cran grape juice, uh couple uh squirts uh 'at lime cocktail mix, three or four uh tablespoons uh sugar, an dis maple toppin'.

He set the syrup down and franticly spun around, bumping the table as he violently swung open the refrigerator door, and emerged with a container of berry flavored cream cheese. "Now dis is at bagel cream 'cept it's got berries in it an at's why it's purple" Lee scooped three ice cream sized scoops on top of the berries instructing me that "they jus needs a tablespoon er two to coat 'em", then proceeded to stir the lumps around and around through the sticky berries. He put three saucers down and three berries on each saucer and gave Fox and I the go ahead look before he ate his using a knife as a spear. They were delicious and Fox quickly became sugar wild.

Lee has a bumper pool game in the corner of his living room and Fox began removing the balls from the shelf and rolling them across the floor. We rolled them back forth for a while before Lee said "HEY Fox come out here an try dis baseball game I made"
The game consisted of an electrical cable wrapped around a branch of a tree with a wiffle ball and rope tied to it. He gave Fox the handle of a pool stick to use as a bat, and told him to hit the ball. Fox set the handle on the ground and started smacking the ball around and laughing hysterically, until the ball hit him in the chin. After trying to explain the game with no luck, Lee gave him a few lessons.

It was then that I decided to run and get my camera.


While in my house getting the camera I remembered that Fox had a bat, so I got it out of his room and headed back to Lee's.


Fox got tired of the baseball thing, and wanted to play with the pool balls again, so we went back inside and rolled those around a little bit more.


Then Fox took a few pictures:


1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess y'all still have a problem with crack in South Knoxville. Just can't keep it out of neighborhoods.
