Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10/24/2008 Kids Play

Fox and I watch Sesame Street every weekday morning before lunch. Today during "Elmo's World" something struck me as odd; the "Mr. Noodle" character behaves like a drunken bum. For those of you who haven't watched Sesame Street in a couple of decades, Elmo is the little red monster with an annoying laugh who has his own segment on Sesame Street called "Elmo's World". Mr. Noodle is a character on "Elmo's World" who is a real guy in an ill-fitting suit who Elmo asks questions about simple ideas and procedures. He answers non-verbally in dance or pantomime and always looks unkempt, as if he has just awoken from sleeping off a bender.
There are actually two Mr Noodles. There is the original Mr. Noodle (who sorta resembles my ex boyfriend, Richard) and his brother Mr Noodle who most resembles a degenerate alcoholic bum. That French prisoner with the pet mouse from "The Green Mile" also comes to mind.
After watching the segment for the millionth time I have decided that the inspiration for the Mr Noodle character (especially the brother of Mr Noodle, Mr Noodle) is based on a homeless, liquor hound who drinks anything he can get his hands on and begs for money outside of the Tomato Head cafe.

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