Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3/4/2008 Mystery Dressing

At some point last week, beneath the cloak of darkness, a restaurant-sized jug of Zesty Italian salad dressing appeared on my door step. It was accompanied by a note. In weird, semi-capital letters the note offered the dressing to me and my family, speculating that it would last a while, and was signed "ThE RAiNbOW WArrIoR" with a smiley face puffing a cigarette.

Immediately I assumed that it came from my awesome neighbor who some of you might remember from this very blog, but then I realized that the note was addressed to "JIlL JasON anD FaMilY", and Lee* usually refers to me as Pam. I'm not sure why he calls me Pam, but I have deciphered it is only to my face; when he talks about me to other people he calls me Jill.

I don't even know anyone named Pam except for Pam from the TV show 'The Office', and Pam Anderson, and technically I don't really "know" those two since they are both essentially fictional. Lee introduces me to others as Pam. I wonder if he realizes that I am Jill. He has seen Jason and I together once or twice so he knows I'm the "Jill" of "Jason and Jill", and I am pretty sure I don't physically morph into a woman named Pam sometimes without notice by anyone else.

I guess it is likely that the dressing is from Lee as he seems to have lots of connections with people in the biz, and he seems to be a really giving guy who likes me and my family. It also makes sense that he would write "Jill" on the note since I wasn't in front of him when he wrote it. Before I eat the dressing I will consult Lee to be sure it's from him. It is the best brand of dressing and is zesty, indeed.

* see also 'The Marlboro Man'

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