Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10/17/07 The Spine

After yearz of people advising me to go I finally went to the Chiropractor today and now I see what all of the fuss is about. Naturally I waited until the pain was such that I couldn't do much else than reflect on it's intensity and the doctor man was like; "So were you in a car accident?" After a brief chronicle of all the potentially compromising things I had ever done with my skeleton he showed me the x-rays and MY SPINE IS A NIGHTMARE. No wonder I feel so bad when standing, walking and talking! Not to mention tossing Fox around and jogging while pushing him in a jogging stroller with very little air in the tires and that sort of stuff. (That little fatty weighs almost 30lbs!) My spine x-ray film could have been a 95 year old's had it not been for the piece I was packing.
The doctor did some kind of crackie poppie thing with my back and neck, THEN told me it would be really sore later and to use ICE PACKS "you know, when you are sitting around relaxing in front of the TV". It seems like ice packs would cease any relaxation that might be happening. Last he hooked me up to a electro impulse machine which was awesome.

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