Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2/1/2008 Sushi!

There is nothing on this green world that I love more than sushi. Maybe my family, but it is a really close call and it fluctuates.
Eating sushi makes me happy and inspired, and dining with friends is even more fun while sharing food from the same plate.
Making sushi at home and inviting friends over is far more realistic and enjoyable, not to mention affordable than going out. When Heather and I used to go out for sushi we could easily consume $65 worth of sushi and sake each. Although I never felt bad about pending that much, I would never consider it now.
Aside from the exorbitant cost of going to the sushi bar there are also the issues of 1-getting a non-crackheaded babysitter, something I have had no success doing in Knoxville, and
2 driving home after drinking four large sakes.
It's never a good idea, and if you choose to take a cab and hire a babysitter it just shovels more money onto the burning money pile.
I have resolved to have sushi night at least once a month and invite as many people who want to come. It is so much more enjoyable than having to deal with all of these issues. Here is a picture of our last 'sushi night' which we enjoyed with our friends Dan and Adrienne.

..and the best thing about making sushi at home is there are lots of leftovers! We enjoyed sushi again the next day with Cassie and Randall.

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